
On 10 October, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute presented a new temporary exhibition in cooperation with Yerevan History Museum.
The opening ceremony was attended by Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, and foreign delegations arrived in Yerevan to participate in the city-day celebrations.
The exhibition organized by the support of Yerevan city hall and titled “Gratitude” is presenting the pro-Armenian activities of world mayors and cities during genocide years up to 1920s. Around 25 presented cities had supported the Armenian refugees by providing food, clothes and shelters.
In London, Moscow and Petrograd, Samara, Riga, Tomsk stamps, badges and medals have been issued for the purpose of fund-raising. The sale proceeds of them were provided to the needs of the refugees. Some mayors have personally participated in rallies and fundraising campaigns.
The exhibition includes posters, exclusive exhibits of that time, and rare documents.
Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan stressed the new format of presenting this theme. As a result of long inquisitiveness and research the materials related to the activities of world mayors in the years of Armenian Genocide were collected.
“Without any exaggeration this is a unique episode in the world history and the history of the cities, and a specific episode in our history; presenting the proofs of Armenian Genocide. But the most important is that geography and the coverage of this exhibition is presenting the scale of this tragedy and the universal nature of the efforts maid to eliminate its consequence. We have to be proud that the leaders of big cities had realized the importance of humanism without any underlying interests and laid a helping hand, also becoming role models showing how to help people thousands of miles away to eliminate the consequences of the tragedy that befell on them”, added Hayk Demoyan.
Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Kamo Areyan considered the exhibition of exceptional importance and said: “They also have shown their friendliness and compassion by another mean, when different city commissions in the world recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide by statements and resolutions. Today, the Mayor of Yerevan expresses his deep gratitude to those people and city authorities of different times, who showed great compassion and humane treatment to our people”.
A greeting speech was delivered by Ditmar Shpete; Mayor of Mugensturm city in German province of Baden-Württemberg. Along with his colleagues, he was representing German cities in the celebrations of Yerevan city. “As the President of German federation had said in April, I also would like to say this world on behalf of my city; genocide, this is indicative of the crime implemented in 1915. I would like to insure on behalf of me and all the communities in our region that from now on everything will be done to make that crime be recognized as genocide. And I would like to wish the best to Armenians”, Mr. Ditmar Shpete declared.
The exhibition will be open for two days; 10-11 October 2015.