
A two-day summer school for journalists organized by “Prospectus regional and political research center” NGO and AGMI took place on 11 and 12 July at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. Journalists from the Republic of Armenia and Diaspora took part at the seminar “How to Cover Armenian Genocide Issues”.
During the seminars the director of AGMI, Doctor Hayk Demoyan, the deputy director, Doctor Suren Manukyan, a leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Doctor Harutyun Marutyan and a researcher of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Lusine Abrahamyan delivered lectures.
During the two-day seminar the speakers touched upon topics such as the peculiarities of covering the topic of the Armenian Genocide for the Armenian and foreign audiences, the use of videos and photographs while covering the topic of the Armenian Genocide, the peculiarities of covering the Armenian Genocide in comparison to Holocaust.
The participants also discussed the shortcomings and the problems of Media that journalists covering the Armenian Genocide face with.
The project is implemented within the grant competition announced by the Youth Foundation of Armenia as a partner organization of RA president.