On 12 November, at the conference hall of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute a workshop “Teaching the Armenian Genocide: Historical Perspectives and Didactical Aspects” organized by the AGMI took place.
The seminar was led by Dr. Roy Knocke, researcher at the Lepsius Home-Archive, and professor of the Department of Military History at the University of Potsdam.
The seminar was attended by the students from the Faculties of History and Law and History teachers from Yerevan and provinces.
Teaching the topic of genocide in the schools is always a thorny issue. On the one hand, there is a challenge of national historical narrative which somehow must be put in critical engagement with other (national) narratives and experiences of episodes of genocides in the 20th century.
On the other hand, there is a responsibility to educate pupils about the topic of genocidal violence in an appropriate didactical way, without overpowering them with the worst atrocities of human history.
This workshop was designed to tackle both issues regarding the Armenian Genocide in two parts using ideas and materials developed by the Lepsiushaus Potsdam for training of teachers:
Part 1: Informal discussion on different national perspectives how is the Armenian Genocide taught in Armenia and in Germany? How a comparative approach on teaching the issue does suits the curriculum? Which extracurricular institutions or activities could be included in such an approach?
Part 2: Pictures and types of texts I
The use of pictures and texts are essential for understanding the past. In this part, we discuss the impact of pictures and different source materials always regarding deductive and inductive methods of teaching.
Example 1: Phases of destruction of the Armenian Genocide through the lens of photo material and witness reports.
The participants of the seminar had the opportunity to ask their questions and receive comprehensive answers.