On May 14, the opening of the temporary exhibition “The Armenian Genocide – Front Page Coverage in Foreign Media” took place in Phrnjian Hall of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Paris, France. The exhibition had been organized by the cooperative efforts of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and the Armenian Apostolic Church of Paris. The representatives of the French Armenian community, mayors of Clamart and Arnouville and Vigen Chitechian, RA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France were present at the opening ceremony.
This selection of 19th and early 20th century foreign newspapers, which is part of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute collection, has been acquired thanks to the generous support of Tigran Kalaydjian from Cyprus.
Archbishop Norvan Zakarian, Primate of the French Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Patrice Djololian, the leader of the French Diocese, and AGMI Director Hayk Demoyan gave their opening speeches. In his speech Hayk Demoyan stated the following:
“This exhibition is exclusive as it does not need any additional commentary. The materials presented once again prove the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide, at the same time affirming the necessity that the country which committed the genocide and denies its fact must be condemned by the laws of humanity and civilization.”
Representatives of the Armenian community of Paris and French guests who participated in the opening ceremony of the exhibition spoke positively about the opening of such an exhibition strengthening its importance from the point of view of raising the awareness about the Genocide in foreign countries.
At the opening ceremony the director of the AGMI Hayk Demoyan handed Patrice Djololian the Chairman of the French diocese AGMI’s “Golden Medal” as a sign of gratitude to Djololian Family for giving the Museum unique documents and valuable exhibits.
With this exhibition the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute presents the opening of a number of traveling exhibitions with different titles in a number of cities abroad. On the initiative of AGMI and with the joint efforts of the local Armenian Communities and friends of the Museum throughout 2011 traveling exhibitions with different titles will be opened in Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm.