
On March 20-23 the Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute participated in 35th Paris International Book Fair (Salon du livre). The Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute presented its best publications during this international platform, which did not leave indifferent foreign readers.
Fifty delegations from all over the world presented their culture and literature during four days. Thousands of literary critics, writers, translators, publishers and scholars participated in the exhibition. Minister of Culture of France also visited the gallery.
Paris International Book Fair was concluded with round-table discussion devoted to “The role of intellectuals in prevention of genocides”. Armenian and French intellectuals, particularly the director of The Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute Hayk Demoyan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia Nerses Ter-Vardanyan, historians Raymond-Harutiun Kevorkian, Miqayel Nishanyan, Yves Ternon, psychoanalyst Janine Altounian, journalist Kayc Minasyan and others participated in the round-table discussion.