The event series titled "Global History" was jointly launched by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation and the Georgia Branch Office of the Max Weber Foundation in the AGMI confernece hall on May 23-24. The participants included Armenian and Georgian students and young scholars who were selected for the programme. They visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial complex and museum, where Regina Galustyan, an AGMI researcher, presented the museum exhibition, prior to the start of the events.
A panel discussion titled "Comparative Histories of Genocides and the Development of International Law,"then took place in the conference hall, chaired by Dr. Edita Gzoyan, AGMI Director. Prof. Dr. Annette Weinke (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany), Prof. Dr. Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen (Ariel University, Israel) and Dr. Suren Manukyan (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Armenia) gave speeches.
Armenian and Georgian students and young scholars presented their topics on the following themes, during the “Global History, Comparative History, Transnational History” workshop that took place on May 24:
- Globalisation Infrastructures
- Empires, Nations, and the Globalisation of Ideas
- Histories of Genocide
- International Affairs.
The speeches were followed by discussions and concluding remarks concerning the Armenia section of the event series. They will continue in Tbilisi in July, September, and October.