
On 22-24 May, within the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide two thematic exhibitions of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute - “Western Armenian Education” and “Armenian Wedding in the Ottoman Empire” - were presented at the National Museum of Romanian Peasant in Bucharest.
The exhibition was organized by the Armenian Embassy in Romania and National Museum of Romanian Peasant with the support of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and Union of Armenians of Romania.
On May 23, within the exhibition two documentary films “From Ararat to Europe” and “Armenia: the land of Noah” were screened in “Horia Bernea” hall of the same museum. An Armenian trade fair was also organized in the yard of the museum.
This was the final event of one month exhibition opened in the National Museum of Romanian Peasant on April 24 under the title “Armenian narrations: from Ararat to Strada Armeneaska” which represents the history, daily life, culture and lifestyle of Armenians sheltered in Romania.