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14.12.2007 CIS member states’ chiefs of the customs services visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. During the visit the guests put a wreath to the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The Guests also visited the Armenian Genocide Museum.
14.11.2007 The Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Sergey Stanishev, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. Mr. Stanishev laid a wreath of flowers at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims and visited the Genocide Museum Institute.
26.10.2007 On October 25, the 13th conference of the CIS member states’ ministers of education was held at the Government House of Receptions. The Delegations from Armenia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan participated. The Participants of the conference also visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and during this visit the guests put a wreath to the Memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. Among the visitors were Alexander Radkov, the Education Minister of Belarus, Andrei Fursenko, the Education and Science Minister of RF, Abdujabbor Rahmanov, the Tajik Education Minister, etc.
23.10.2007 Dimitrios Grapsas, the Chief of the Hellenic National Army General Staff (HNDGS), visited the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. During the visit the guests put a wreath to the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims and Mr. Grapsas left a note in the Commemoration Book.
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20.10.2007 The Mayor of the French City of Marseilles, Senator Jean-Claude Gaudin, visited the Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex. During the visit guests laid a wreath at the Memorial of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
10.10.2007 Teodor Melescanu, the Defense Minister of Romania, accompanied by Michael Harutyunyan, Defense Minister of RA, visited the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. During the visit guests put a wreath to the memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims. Mr. Melescanu left a note in the Commemoration Book where particularly mentioned: “I hope the memory of innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide never is forgotten.”
04.10.2007 The members of Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement of RF, with the head of Viktor G. Shevchenko, the doctor of sciences law, professor, academician, the laureate of Russian Federation President’ s program in education field, visited the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. During the visit guests planted a fir at the Memory Alley. Mr. Shevchenko left a note in the Commemoration Book: “I am troubled to see the genocide facts of the Armenian nation; the terrible tragedy of the 20th century. It’s impossible to look at the extermination of a whole nation without tears. ”
25.09.2007 In an effort to end the genocide currently unfolding in Darfur, the Armenian Assembly of America, in collaboration with “Olympic Dream for Darfur,” organized a symbolic Olympic-style torch relay at the Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex.
In the ceremony of the torch relay participated His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the director of the Armenian Genocide Musuem & Institute, Hayk Demoyan and others.Guests put a wreath to the Memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims and planted a fir at the Memory Alley.
22.09.2007 The Mayor of Nice, Senator Jacques Peyrat visited Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex. During the visit Mayor Jacques Peyrat put a wreath to the Memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. He also planted a fir at the Memory Alley and visited the Genocide Museum. Mr. Peyrat left a note in the Commemoration Book, where particularly mentioned: “Man treats a man like a wolf. We all know about it. However, there are sense of justice, love and philanthropy in him. Yes, until there exists even one survivor, the exterminated nation can revive.”