Shushanyan Grigor was born in Rodosto city (Adrianapole province, Ottoman Empire). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Srapyan Onnik was born in 1878 in Yerznka city (Erzurum province, Western Armenia), social-political figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Serenkulyan Vardges was born in 1871 in Karin city (Erzurum province, Western Armenia), teacher, social-political figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Hambaryan Hrant was born in 1894 in Karin city (Erzurum province, Western Armenia), poet. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Najaryan Vagharshak was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Western Armenia). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Pazpazyan Hakob was born in Adabazar city (Izmit province, Ottoman Empire), armenologist, teacher of the American College in Brusa. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Shahen Yenovq was born in 1881 in Partizak village-town (Izmit province, Ottoman Empire), actor. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Zaqaryan Nerses was born in 1883 in Izmit city (Izmit province, Ottoman Empire), teacher, social-political figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Perperyan Sargis was born in Balu city (Diarbeqir province, Ottoman Empire), merchant. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Najaryan Satenik was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Western Armenia). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Temirjyan Havhannes was born in Qeller village (Angora province, Ottoman Empire), social-political figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Najaryan Harutyun was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Western Armenia). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Teorteolyan Miqael was born in Agtag-Maten village (Angora province, Ottoman Empire). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Perperyan Fr. Hakob was born in Garayaghap village (Angora province, Ottoman Empire), priest of Saint Astvatsatsin church of Poghazlyan. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Shmlikyan Melqon was born in Dadem village (Kharberd province, Western Armenia), social figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Najaryan Zabel was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Western Armenia). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Nikoghosyan Levon was born in 1870(1877) in Anjrdi village (Kharberd province, Western Armenia), ecclesiastic, teacher. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Mchikyan Tonapet was born in Qeorbe village (Kharberd province, Western Armenia), head of the village. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Najaryan Mariam was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Western Armenia). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Nahikyan Khachatur was born in 1860 in Huseyniq village (Kharberd province, Western Armenia), astronomer, professor of Euphrates College in Kharberd. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Najaryan Roqsi was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Western Armenia). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Minasyan Yeremia was born in Barjanj village (Kharberd province, Western Armenia), teacher. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Shahen Atom was born in 1875 in Akn city (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), social-political figure, deputy of Akn. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Nazlyan Bernardine was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province, Ottoman Empire). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Chargjyan Andranik was born in Adabazar city (Izmit province, Ottoman Empire), merchant. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Sutjyan Nvard was born in Zeytun city (Aleppo province, Ottoman Empire). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Voskerichyan Yester was born in Marash city (Aleppo province, Ottoman Empire). She was a teacher in the Girls’ College of Saint Stephanos. She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Voskerichyan Yester was born in Marash city (Aleppo province, Ottoman Empire). She was a teacher in the Girls’ College of Saint Stephanos. She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Harutynyan Artashes was born in 1973 in Malaqia village-town (Ottoman Empire, Adrianapole province), philologist, translator, publicist, literary critic. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Sargis Tilkyan was born in Bitias village (Aleppo province, Ottoman Empire). He was died in a forced labor camp in Jerusalem in 1916.
Kozikyan Garegin was born on August 17, 1878, in Balu city (Diarbeqir province of Western Armenia), editor, social and political figure. He was sunk in 1915.
Arapyan Vramshapyh was born in Malaqia village-town (Ottoman Empire, Adrianapole province), social-political figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Ruben Zardaryan was born in 1874 in Severek village-town (Diarbeqir province of Western Armenia), writer, teacher, social figure, editor-in-chief of «Azatamart» daily. He was martyred in 1915.
Psak Ter-Khorenyan was born in 1882, clergyman, teacher, writer and primate of Qghi and Kharberd. He was martyred in 1915.
Kyurjyan Melqon was born in 1859 in Havav village (Diarbeqir province of Western Armenia), armenologist, social figure, national deputy. He was martyred in 1915.
Shushanyan Narine was born in Rodosto city (Adrianapole province, Ottoman Empire). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Levon Attar-Mkreyan was born in Yozgat city (Angora province, Ottoman Empire), lawyer. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Gegham Ter-Karapetyan was born in 1865 in Kheybian village (Bitlis province of Western Armenia), teacher of Murad-Mkhitaryan College in Mush, deputy of Ottoman Empire, member of Armenian National Council in Constantinople and Dashnak party, writer and correspondent. He was martyred in 1918.
Bishop Nerses Kharakhanyan was born in 1847 in Avran village (Bitias province of Western Armenia), teacher, primate of Mush in 1909-1915. He was died from epidemic typhus in 1915.
Beniamin Yesayan was born in 1888 in Yozgat city (Angora province, Ottoman Empire), shoemaker. He was martyred in 1915.
Hakop Qesteqyan was born in 1875 in Yozgat city (Angora province, Ottoman Empire), sausage maker. He was martyred in Deyr el Zor in 1915.
Smbat Saatetyan was born in 1871 in Adabazar (Izmit province of the Ottoman Empire), primate of Karin from 1907 and ordained Bishop in 1910. He was killed in Karin in 1915.
Abraham Jepejyan was born in Cesaria city (Angora province). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Mihran Tampurajyan was born in Amasia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), merchant. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Yeghisabet Qesteqyan was born in 1880 in a smith’s family of Yozgat city (Angora province, Ottoman Empire). She was martyred during Qeller massacre in 1915.
Gagik Ozanyan was born in 1882 in Shapin Garahisar (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), teacher and headmaster of sourb Sahakyan College in Marzvan from 1906, publisher. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Khatoun Renjilian was born in Bitias village (Aleppo province, Ottoman Empire). She was an active member of Bitias church in 1895-99 and died in 1917 due to starvation.
Minas Ibekjyan was born in Amasia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), editor of “Amasia” periodical and member of Hnchak party. He was hacked in 1915.
Sedrak Zulumyan was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), doctor. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Araqsia Jepejyan was born in Aintab (Aleppo province of Western Armenia). She was martyred in Deyr el Zor.
Arsen Deriklyan was born in Tigranakert city (Diarbeqir province of Western Armenia). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Gevorg Zulumyan was born in Kharberd city (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), writer and teacher. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Karapet Deriklyan was born in Tigranakert city (Diarbeqir province of Western Armenia). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Gayane Jepejyan was born in Cesaria city (Angora province). She was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Karapet Momjyan was born in Aintab city (Cilicia, Ottoman Empire). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Vahan Hyusisyan was born in 1877 in Shapin Garahisar (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), merchant, national figure. He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Khoren Deriklyan was born in Tigranakert city (Diarbeqir province of Western Armenia). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Ruben Heqimyan was born in 1864 in Amasia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), doctor of the national hospital in Amasia. He was executed in 1915.
Ovsanna Momjyan (Baghdasaryan) was born in Aintab city (Cilicia, Ottoman Empire). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Haykazun Tampurajyan was born in 1899 in Amasia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia). He was a victim of the Armenian genocide.
Gevorg Tampurajyan was born in Amasia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), merchant. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Norarevyan Aharon was born in Sebastia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia). He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Grigor Teli-Ghazaryan was born in 1863 in Sebastia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), teacher and factory owner. On July13, 1915 he was arrested and killed by the Turks.
Ruben Teli-Ghazaryan was born in 1897 in Sebastia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), graduate of Aramyan College. On July 8, 1915 he was arrested and killed by the Turks.
Hovhannes Teli-Ghazaryan was born in 1896 in Sebastia city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), graduate of Aramyan College. On June 8, 1915 he was arrested and killed by the Turks.
Jrasunyan Levon was born in Tokat city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), merchant. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Patmanyan Harutyun (Senior Archimandrite) was born in Tokat city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia). He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Tepekyozyan Onnik was born in Yerecagrak village (Kharberd province of Western Armenia). He was a martyr of the Armenian genocide in 1915.
Tyurkeryan Tigran was born in 1883 in Tokat city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), teacher, and protestant propagator. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Paspanyan Levon was born in Tokat city (Sebastia province of Western Armenia), teacher of Sanasaryan College. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Sarqeshishyan Garegin was born in Hazari village (Kharberd province of Western Armenia). He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Manukyan Avetis was born in Haramik village (Erzerum province of Western Armenia), teacher. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Mentsoyan Harutyun was born in village Datem (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), social figure. He was arrested in 1915, tortured and killed by the Turks.
Bujikyan Kirakos was born in housing estate of Berri (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), chairman of Political Assembly and quarter. He was arrested in 1915 and killed by the Turks.
Gasyan Petros (secular name Harutyun-Zareh) was born in village Binkyan in 1866 (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), ordained priest in 1905, Vicar of Akn from 1909. He was killed by the Turks in June, 1915.
Gapulyan Poghos was born in Akn in 1860 (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), director of American Relief from 1896. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Sargis Zaqoyan was born in village Khushi in CA. 1860 (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), ordained priest in Severek in 1894. He was arrested in 1915 and killed by the Turks.
Penneyan Karapet (secular name Hambardzum) was born in 1864 in Malatia (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), ordained priest in Sis, in 1905. He was arrested and hacked by the Turks.
Heroyan Haykaz was born in Datem village (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), graduate of Central College of Mezreh, Officers’ College of Yerznka, and teacher of Datem village. He was arrested in 1915, tortured and killed by the Turks.
Zharzhatyan Hakob was born in Malatia (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), teacher. He was tortured during 1915 deportation and killed by the Turks.
Ansurlyan Gabriel was born in Malatia (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), teacher of Sahakyan College, and the headmaster of the same college from 1911. He was arrested in 1915 and killed by the Turks in Malatia prison.
Gabrielyan Hamazasp was born in Datem village (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), member of Dashnak party. He was arrested in 1915, tortured and killed by the Turks.
Nikoghosyan Asatur was born in 1860 in Khozagyugh (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), clergyman, Reverent from 1897. He was killed with a group of prominent Armenians by the Turks on the bank of the river Mndzur in 1915.
Poyajyan Baghdasar was born in vilage-town of Berri (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), merchant. He was killed by the Turks on the bank of the river Mndzur in 1915.
Danielyan Gabriel was born in Kharberd (Kharberd province of Western Armenia) teacher of Ephrat College. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Tushjyan Karapet was born in 1865 in village Huseyniq (Kharberd province of Western Armenia), merchant and member of Hnchak party. He was arrested in 1915, tortured and killed by the Turks in Mezreh in 1915.
Tevrizyan Armenak was born in Kharberd (Kharberd province in Western Armenia), was a silkworm breeder. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Tutunjyan Mihran was born in Kharberd (Kharberd province in Western Armenia), photographer, was tortured and killed by the Turks in 1915.
Malemezyan Hovsep was born in Kharberd (Kharberd Province of Western Armenia), treasurer of Tufenkyan shop, also member of Hnchak party. He was arrested and killed in 1915.
Manukyan Petros (Penne) was born in 1881 in village Hapusi (Huseynik) (Kharberd Province of Western Armenia), doctor and political figure, member of Hnchak party. He was arrested and hunged in 1915թ. in Constantinople with the 20 activists of Hnchak party.
Ghazarosyan (Tumuchanyan) Havas was born in Kharberd (Province of Kharberd of Western Armenia), was a merchant. She was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Ghevondyan Melkon was born in Huseyniq (Province of Kharberd of Western Armenia), teacher of French collage of Kharberd. He was killed in 1915.
Ghazarosyan Hakob was born in Kharberd (Province of Kharberd of Western Armenia), was a merchant. He was killed by the Turks in 1915.
Ghazarosyan Nshan was born in 1872 in Kharberd (Province of Kharberd of Western Armenia), member of Hnchak party, merchant. He was arrested in 1915 and died in Mezreh prison.
Achgpashyan Aram (Grigor) was born in 1867, in Arabkir (Province of Kharberd of Western Armenia), member of Hnchak party, lawyer. He was hunged in the Sultan Bayazid square, on June 15, 1915.