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International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, 2024
первый и второй номера
В последних двух выпусках англоязычного International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, издаваемого фондом "Музей-институт Геноцида армян", опубликованы следующие статьи:
International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)
• Nagothu Naresh Kumar, Networks of Denial and Justification: South Asia Responses to the Armenian Genocide
• Ozlem Karakus, Echoes of Loss: Examining Gendered Violence and Legacy in the Armenian Genocide
• Sossi Tatikyan, Legal and Political Aspects of the De-Armenization of Nagorno-Karabakh: Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Forced Displacement or Voluntary Exodus?
• David Hackett, "Sieves of Responsibility" - Connecting Failures of Genocide Prevention and Geopolitical Interests to Atrocity in Nagorno Karabakh
Также в номере представлены две рецензии:
• Narine S. Hakobyan, Levon Ashpahyan, Իմ կյանքի մասին [About My Life], Memoirs of Survivors of the Armenian Genocide 6. Editor, author of the preface and references Narine S. Hakobyan. Yerevan: AGMI, 2022, 248 pages
• Hayastan Martirosyan, Hovhannes Der-Pilibbossian, Արաբկիրցի վերապրողի յուշեր [Memoir of a Survivor from Arabkir], Memoirs of Survivors of the Armenian Genocide 12. Editor, author of the preface and references Hayastan Martirosyan. Yerevan: AGMI, 2023, 192 pages)
International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)
• Rubina Peroomian, The Institutions of Turkification and Assimilation in the Eyes of Armenian Orphans Who Fled Them
• Robert Tatoyan, On the Armenian Death Toll and Demographic Impact of the 1909 Adana Massacres
• Narek Poghosyan, The Nameless Crime: Reflections on the Origins and Development of the Concept of Genocide
• Robert Sukiasyan, Hasanchelebi: A Killing Station for Armenian Men on the Sebastia Deportation Routes
• Júlia de Moraes Cabral Tordeur, The Armenian Diaspora in Rio de Janeiro: Micro-Histories of Identity, Memory and Solidarity during the Armenian Genocide
Также в номере представлена рецензия:
• Gevorg Vardanyan; Vartan Matiossian, The Politics of Naming the Armenian Genocide: Language, History, and “Medz Yeghern,” London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2021, 296 pages
Англоязычный International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies, издаваемый фондом "Музей-институт Геноцида армян", является рецензируемым периодическим изданием и выходит дважды в год с 2014 года.
Первый номер 2024 года: https://agmipublications.am/index.php/ijags/issue/view/13/12
Второй номер 2024 года: https://agmipublications.am/index.php/ijags/issue/view/15
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