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Osmanlı İmparatorluğu tarafından gerçekleştirilen Ermeni Soykırım birçok kanıt sayesinde ortaya çıkarılmış, tanıklar sayesinde onaylanmış ve birçok ulıuslararsı organizasyon ve ülke tarafından kabul edilmiştir.1915 yılında Osmanlı tarafından planlanan ve plana uygun olarak uygulanana Ermeni soykırımı hakkında birçok belge bulunmaktadır. Aşağıda Ermeni Soykırımını tanıyan Organizasyonların Listesini bulabilirsiniz.
- U.S._House Committee_Resolution - October 10, 2007
- Chile, Senate, Resolution - June 05, 2007
- Argentina, Law, January 15, 2006
- Argentina, Senate, Special Statement - April 19, 2006
- Lithuania, Assembly, Resolution - December 15, 2005
- European Parliament, Resolution - September 28, 2005
- Venezuela, National Assembly, Resolution - July 14, 2005
- Germany, Parliament, Resolution - June 15, 2005
- Argentina, Senate, Resolution - April 20, 2005
- Poland, Parliament, Resolution - April 19, 2005
- Netherlands, Parliament, Resolution - December 21, 2004
- Slovakia, National Assembly, Resolution - November 30, 2004
- Canada, House of Commons, Resolution - April 21, 2004
- Argentina, Senate, Declaration - March 31, 2004
- Uruguay, Law - March 26, 2004
- Argentina, Draft Law - March 18, 2004
- Switzerland (Helvetic Confederation), National Council, Resolution - December 16, 2003
- Argentina, Senate, Resolution - August 20, 2003
- Canada, Senate, Resolution - June 13, 2002
- European, Parliament, Resolution - February 28, 2002
- Common Declaration of His Holiness John Paul II and His Holiness Karekin
II at Holy Etchmiadzin, Republic of Armenia - September 27, 2001
- Prayer of John Paul II, Memorial of Tzitzernagaberd - September 26, 2001
- France, Law - January 29, 2001
- Italy, Chamber of Deputies, Resolution - November 16, 2000
- European Parliament, Resolution - November 15, 2000
- France, Senate, Draft Law - November 7, 2000
- Lebanon, Parliament, Resolution - May 11, 2000
- Sweden, Parliament, Report - March 29, 2000
- France, National Assembly, Draft Law - May 28, 1998
- Belgium, Senate, Resolution - March 26, 1998
- Lebanon, Chamber of Deputies, Resolution - April 3, 1997
- U.S., House of Representatives, Resolution 3540 - June 11, 1996
- Greece (Hellenic Republic), Parliament, Resolution - April 25, 1996
- Canada, House of Commons, Resolution - April 23, 1996
- Russia, Duma, Resolution - April 14, 1995
- Argentina, Senate, Resolution - May 5, 1993
- European Parliament, Resolution - June 18, 1987
- U.S., House of Representatives, Joint Resolution 247 - September 12, 1984
- Cyprus, House of Representatives, Resolution - April 29, 1982
- U.S., House of Representatives, Joint Resolution 148 - April 9, 1975
- Uruguay, Senate and House of Representatives, Resolution - April 20, 1965
- U.S., Senate, Resolution 359 - May 11, 1920
- U.S., Congress, An Act to Incorporate Near East Relief - August 6, 1919
- U.S., Senate, Concurrent Resolution 12 - February 9, 1916
- France, Great Britain, and Russia, Joint Declaration - May 24, 1915
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